From our warehouse and production plant in Västerås swift and efficient “just in time” deliveries are executed to the customers.
All the imported raw materials and industrial minerals are taken in by vessel, container or railway over the port of Västerås in lots of 500-4000 metric tons.
After arrival the different materials are stored under dry conditions, well protected and well separated.
Our total capacity for warehousing is 25.000 metric tons for bulk materials and 10.000 metric tons for palletized goods.
In order to maximise the capacity and minimise the risk for contamination the production is separated in two different processes. The total production capacity is 50.000 metric tons / year based upon one working shift.
The raw materials are processed and tailor-made in our very efficient and flexible production.
We are able to offer a full range of processing possibilities such as:
The aim of AB INDESKO is to do business in a sustainable long term way.
Quality, environment and safety are essential corner stones in our business model and are always in our minds when we execute our work and interact with our different counter parts.
We take our social responsibility serious and believe in good core values and in sound business practice. We are committed to respect human- and equal rights, diversity together with health and safety.
Responsibility and Respect are words that summarize and create the foundation in our business.
Our ambition is to do business in a most responsible way where we always respect and take consideration to all the people we work with, the environment we do business in and the community where we are present and operate in.
The environment is a priority for us. The environmental consequences is always considered and evaluated in the decisions and actions we take. The same thinking we apply when we choose and evaluate our products and services, suppliers and business partners together with our use of transportation and logistics solutions.
By always trying to achieve the best and most efficient solutions in our work we are able to minimize our environmental footprint and the negative effects our business have. Investments in modern and efficient production, techniques, machining tools, automization together with trucks and motor vehicles help and support us in saving energy and minimizing any loss of material in order to achieve a low and most efficient consumption of recourses. Residues from materials are reused to a great extent.
Our ambition in the environmental field is secured by adding further information and knowledge. It is our full belief that a consequent and long term commitment to environmental work leads to both environment gains and to added value in our business and to our customers and business partners.
AB INDESKO sees its employees as its most important asset. The aim is to create a safe and healthy working place for our employees offering them varied working conditions with a great deal of self-influence. By adding knowledge and learning we encourage additional personal responsibility and ensure a gradual and systematic development of our sustainability- environmental- and quality work, where all ideas for improvement is encouraged in order to achieve as good total quality in the business as possible.